Suction Assemblies / Parts
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Suction Cover, Plate W/Screws Biscuit Ww 643-4460-BC
Suction Cover, Waterway, Bone 643-4460-BO
Suction Cover: 5' Super Hi-Flo 642-3630 V
Suction Fitting, Elbow Body, 1-1/2" Slip, Non Silicone 642-4040
Replacement Option For: Mfg # 2540-323 Specifications Category: Skimmers / Suctions / Drains Subcategory: Suction Assemblies / Parts 1643000
Suction Fitting: 2-1/2' Slip Super Hi Flo Spc-3 Gray 640-3587 V
Can Also Be Used As A 2" Flat Gasket For Pump Union Specifications Category: Skimmers / Suctions / Drains Subcategory: Suction Assemblies / Parts 6021151
Suction Part: Pvc Straight Vacuum Break 2' 642-3680
Suction Part: Pvc Vacuum Break 90° Ell 2-1/2' Slip X 2' Spigot 642-3700
Wall Fitting, Suction, Waterway, 2" NPT, White 215-9130
Wall Fitting W/Strainer, Sundance, Suction, Low Flow Fi 6540-751
Wall Fitting, Suction, Waterway, White 215-5080
Waterway Hi-Flo Suction Assembly 640-3250V
Waterway Suction Cover 643-4460-Cw
Waterway Super Hi-Flo Suction Assembly 640-3780V
Waterway Super Hi-Flo Suction Assembly 640-3781V